So, if you know me at all…you know how much I love Batman, and everything that comes with the books, movies and characters (excluding Joel Schumachers films and the Halle Berry Catwoman…yeesh…).
I’ve seen Batman Returns ~200 times since it came out in 1992. yeah. i know…
On top of enjoying the various forms of media Batman comes in, I also enjoy creating some fanart every once in a while. I’ve been reading a lot of the current bat-family trades with Dick Grayson as bats and so on. Decided to play with some drawing techniques while I drew the Grayson Batman, Damian as Robin, Tim Drake as Red Robin (in his “dream costume” from recent Red Robin issues), Kate Kane as Batwoman, and Stephanie Brown as Batgirl.

A few weeks ago I was watching some of the animated series from the 90s, and also reminiscing about how goofy/fun the 60s live-action show was, and wanted to draw me some Barbara Gordon Batgirl, in all her sparkly purple glory!
